Friday, March 8, 2013

Tanks: Extra Equipment

               When caring for a tank, there are numerous smaller items you’ll need to maintain your aquarium. Some of these items you may not even find in a pet store, or aquarium shop. These items will definitely make these basic tank maintenance tasks easier. Just a side note: never use products that have come into contact with soap!

Scrapers are used to remove algae and calcium build-up from the aquarium glass inside of the tank. My own scraper has a two-sided head, containing a soft sponge and scrub pad. Scrapers will also commonly feature a plastic blade at the top of the sponges for scraping away stubborn algae. Another feature, is a fork-like structure at the end of the long handle of the scraper, this is used for turning gravel and planting aquatic plants. This tool is very useful in numerous ways.

Strainers can be used to rinse gravel (which should be done once a month). Make sure the strainer does not have holes that are big enough for the gravel to slip through, and NEVER use it for food purposes in your own kitchen, the fish owns it now!

Turkey Basters are probably a strange item for you to see on here. Turkey basters actually work much better than a gravel vacuum or a siphon. I use a turkey baster to remove the fish waste and uneaten food from my aquariums; I’ll never use a gravel vacuum again! Make sure to replace the water you remove from the tank during this process with fresh water. Also, NEVER use this for food purposes in your own kitchen, the fish owns this too!

Cups are also useful when you need to feed fish separately, change tank water, keep fish in order to clean the tank, and more! Remember the little plastic cups your Betta came in? KEEP THEM!!! They will come in useful! Just make sure to rinse them thoroughly before and after use.

Nets come in a variety of different shapes and sizes and can be used for just about anything. Smaller nets can be used to catch your fish, or remove debris from the water. Larger nets can be used to rinse tank ornaments as well as gravel, much like strainers. Always make sure to rinse nets before and after every use!

Test Kits are important to keep track of your water conditions. These tests generally come in test strips or liquid tests. I’ve found the liquid tests tend to be more accurate. Purchasing a complete test kit is ultimately more inexpensive than buying separate tests. These tests check Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, and water hardness. These tests are kind of fun to play with, they remind me of chemistry class (lol).

Buckets come in handy for doing water changes and decontaminating some items in the tank. I currently use two 5-gallon buckets and one smaller bucket. I use one 5-gallon to remove dirty water from my fish tanks, while I use the other 5-gallon to return clean water to the tank. The smaller bucket is used for decontaminating newly purchased items for the tank.  

***I used personal experience for this posting***

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